Monday, January 12, 2015

Moldeando Talentos Program

Carolina Zumbado enrolled Moldeando Talentos since 2012. 

Moldeando Talentos Program
The Cult News October 2014
By G.Porras

Moldeando Talentos offers guitar, bass, clarinet,
singing lessons, music lit- eracy and more to people of all ages, including kids, adolescents, and adults. This program, an initiative by the School of Music, aims to develop student’s musical skills to an advance level so that they master to play their favorite instruments. Nicolás Alvarado, managing director of the program, states that Molde- ando Talentos is designed to train beginner students who enjoy music and would like to take this interest further. Although, he states, it is a high quality program, usually students enroll it not neces- sarily to make a living out of it, but to practice a hobby.

In addition, instructors who carry out the music lessons are undergraduates of the BA in Music since this program emerged as part of a com- plementary academic expe- rience of the curricula in the Music programs. Courses include a complete study of music theory, in- strument exercises and evaluations. 

Regarding the last point, Alvarado referred to evaluations as a required process to give feedback and to assess progress, especially because students are encouraged to perform
for friends and family in musical recitals, held twicea year. Among the long list of percussion, wind and stringed instruments, the program offers singing cours- es for those students who desire to learn to express through their voices. Also, early musical stimulation and choral conducting groups are available.

Nicolás Alvarado, Project Manager of Moldeando Talentos. 
Students who are curently taking music courses agree that Moldeando Talentos has given them an unique opportunity to learn. “It is an ex- cellent opportunity; it is to- tally different playing in your bedroom than playing for an audience,” said Jose López, student of classic guitar. Fur- thermore, Gerardo Araya, jazz guitar and Electronic Engineering student at the U.C.R stated that “the course methodology promotes group learning and practical knowledge that is comple- mented with the recitals.”

Undergraduates and the general public are welcomed to enroll any of the courses offered next Dec. 13th. It does not matter if the student does not have any previous experience in music. Enroll- ment for the 10-level pro- gram costs are of ¢65.000for the lessons and ¢90.000, including the instrument’s loan. 

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