MLS Faculty & Students Meet to Discuss the Future
of the BA in English
By G.Cocozza.
Oct 2014
By G.Cocozza.
Oct 2014
On September 4th, some
professors and students attend-
ed a meeting held by the Oficina
de Planificación Universitaria
(OPLAU), at the Roberto Murillo
Auditorium, LE, as part of the
process to re-accredit the BA in
During this session, professors
and students contributed to
the definition of three pillars: the vision, mission and values.
These three constants may en-
dure throughout the next five
years so that the major of English
can turn its weaknesses into
strengths and make wiser use of
its strengths.
Among the opinions that agitated the most were the voices of
students requesting for a degree
that notes their chosen field of
emphasis. With this, they consider they could have a competitive
edge over other graduates from
private institutions, who undergo
study programs that demand less
than 3 years in college and earn
a BA in English Translation, for
They, also, suggested to open an
apprenticeship program so that
future students find a route that
helps them to land a more solid occupation upon graduating.
Many other majors at the UCR al-
ready offer similar programs such
as BA of Science -Mass Commu-
nication, BA in Agronomy, BA in Odontology, and others. On the other hand, professors
were concerned about the need
for technological input and infrastructure. To which many
considerations unfold after.
Prior investing in high-tech, the
school must plan having proper
workshops for the use of these
resources and impelling those
Luddite ones to action-taking.
Also, many professors strongly
agreed, the academic level of
excellency the School of Modern Languages counts on today
results from the in-depth study
in literature as a mean that help
students for the fully under-
standing of a foreign culture and
language. “We prepare future humanists, not only prepare people to become bilingual, ” said
professor Patricia Barquero.
To date, more meetings will be
held in order to discuss the fu-
ture of the MLS and most impor-
tantly, to accomplish the re-ac-
creditation of the BA in English.
Students and faculty are highly
encouraged to participate and
expose their interests and suggestions.
For more information about
coming meetings contact pro-
fessor Alonso Canales, Acred-
itación’s project manager, or visit
the Acreditación BA Inglés UCR
facebook page.
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