Monday, January 12, 2015

Nymphomaniac Final Cut

Nymphomaniac Final Cut
The Cult News| October 2014
By A.Guillén.

Danish film director and screenwriter Lars Von Trier is polarizing, polemic and bigmouthed. Despite he was declared persona non-grata at Cannes 2011 due to some anti-Semitic comments, his latest film ti- tled Nymphomaniac (2013), featured at Cine Magaly, on September of this year, inspired Costa Rican visual artist Mariana den Hollander’s art exposition “Asexual”, a series of experimental pieces portraying naked female bodies. The exhibition took place in Cine Magaly as well.
The transgressive sexual imagery is quite groundbreaking. It is com- pletely explicit and unapologetic, even to the point in which critics such as David Denby, film critic for the New Yorker’s magazine, labeled the movie as pornography. The film makes a point out of its nudity, though. Nymphomaniac and Asexual approach the topic of sexuality through “shock value” images that depict female sexuality as grotesque and confront the practice of female masturbation, a topic that remains a taboo in today’s society. Thus, their work can be eye-opening.
In Part I, the rather graphic sex scenes outstand all other aspects of the film, but by the time the viewer reaches Part II, the nudity blends with the rest of visual elements. The nudity scenes become ordinary, in contrast to the image of Joe in command of her sexuality. This is one of the biggest achievements in the movie. All characters accept her high sexual drive and support her. In the case of Asexual, Hollander strives to emulate that message through her illustrations. The exhibition main- ly depicts female bodies being comfortable with their genitalia.
Besides, as expected from Von Trier’s work, Nymphomaniac direction is superb and cast features flawed characters. Earlier Lars’ distinctive films include, Forbrydelsens element (1984), Epidemic (1987) and Euro- pa (1991).
Nymphomaniac is still available at Sala Garbo movie theater, every week from 1 to 9 PM. Although Hollander’s Asexual exposition is over, you can visit her facebook page named madenho Art to check out her artwork, including the collections Asexual, Crisis, My Bodies, and more. 

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