Monday, January 12, 2015


The Cult News| October 2014

By A.Angulo.

On September 18th, the elections for the new FELAS Student Government Executive Board for the period 2014-2015 took place in room 419 LE from 1:20 p.m. to 2:20 p.m. Only 11 students, mostly French majors, attended to vote for the executive body of the new “Asocia.” The results are as follows:

The elected president Diego Rodriguez has been part of the FELAS SGA, also known as AELM, during the last 3 years. He is the former Treasurer and he already has several projects in mind. He aims to pursue an agreement with director Gilda Pacheco related to the access to books, course packets, and anthologies in digital format. Moreover, he intends to increase the means and efforts to reach out the student community, which as he expressed, it has been one of the biggest challenges that previous administrations have faced in the past. According to Rodríguez, “the problem is that they [lan- guage majors] do not come, we have informed them [about the “Asocia” services], but they do not get closer.”

Currently, “la Asocia” offers free-coffee and free-print-outs. They, also, spend part of the estimated budget in the purchase of the annual T-Shirts and in the activities for Semana U.
The budget that AELM receives every year depends on the performance the Representatives feature in the FEUR Congress, which is broken in 4 tracts. To receive each following tract, the “Asocia” must turn in a de- tailed report with costs. For more information visit the FELAS SGA office on the 4th floor, LE or enter to the UCR website Contraloría Estudiantil/ Informes económicos. 

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